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FOJAM wants YOU!

Does your child love to sing in the shower? Play her instrument at home without being asked? Listen to jazz or classical music even though that’s never been on at home before? Then you might be witnessing the magic of the very powerful music program at Jane Addams Middle School. And if your child is benefitting then you can bet you are too. In return, we need you to step up and find a way to give back to the school and this amazing program. There have been a few hard workers behind the scenes these past few years but we really need to spread the workload so that others can assist in all that needs to happen to keep our phenomenal music program running smoothly. We already have leads in all positions for next year but we specifically need incoming 6th and/or 7th grade parents to learn along with us this year to take on the lead role the year following. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! 100% of this year’s board was brand new to the job and we’ve had a stellar year.


Please review the below volunteer jobs and decide how you’d like to help out and then get in touch with:


FOJAM BOARD (any of these positions can be shared)

President: lead monthly board meetings, help keep people informed, work closely with music directors

Vice President: responsible for the logistics of the many concerts that happen throughout the year

Communications: keep the FOJAM web site up-to-date and keep parents and others informed about the many things that happen throughout the year

Secretary: take careful notes at the monthly board meetings and share with the group in a timely manner

Treasurer: track the books, budget and provide monthly reports to ensure we are on track

Volunteer Coordinator: find folks to help out with the hundreds of hours that are required every year to keep this successful program running

Fundraising: plan events and fundraising campaigns to keep our program in the black and benefitting the students


ROOM PARENTS (all levels of Band, Choir, Jazz, Orchestra)

Help organize the 13 different groups that all require communication and coordination



Including Silverwood in Boise, ID and Wild Waves in Federal Way, WA.


Karen Bullard (aka Karb) & Catherine Peng

Current FOJAM Co-Presidents
