Come join old friends and new for a low-key back to music (and school) potluck picnic
When: SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 2015, from 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Where: Annie’s Playground at Meadowbrook Park.
Come meet the JAMS music teachers, the board of directors of Friends of Jane Addams Music, and connect with other students and parents in the JAMS music community.
- Last name A-F: bring main dish to share
- Last name G-K: bring side dish to share
- Last name L-Q: bring dessert to share
- Last name R–Z: bring appetizer or non- alcoholic drinks to share
Plates, cups, plates and utensils provided.
Feel free to bring your instrument and showcase your talent individually and/or with your friends.
For more information: Contact Suzie Rinne (FOJAM Secretary) at or call/text 206-856-4243